Mindfulness Guard of Attention

In the Asheyana path, Calm Abiding practice is supported by one's work with the Eight Renunciations, having developed some space of mind in stepping back from bivalent perceptions.

Having worked with Calm Abiding within the context of the fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of Attention, one can begin to work with this extension to the practice, "Mindfulness Guard of Attention."

The purpose of this Mindfulness Guard is to highlight particular qualities both conducive to progress along the path and available within the aspect of one's experience related to Mindfulness of Attention, within and beyond the context of formal practice.

During a session of Calm Abiding, one begins to focus on the fourth Point of Practice, that of the Attention:

Following a session of Calm Abiding, one can extend Mindfulness Guard of Attention into daily life by:

By practicing "Mindfulness Guard of Attention," one can begin to see through direct experience how one's posture of attention while perceiving one's natural and present experience can itself affect one's perceptual experience. One can also begin to see for oneself the possibility that what allows one fuller access to natural and present perceptual experience can be described as Clarity and Focus.

The fruition of Mindfulness Guard of Attention is called Gesture of Attention--fully inhabiting the attention, with attention held neither too tight nor too loose, with perceptual objects of experience apprehended, discerned, and released in a steady flow, fully present such that the attention is focused, flexible, and well-timed in stillness and movement.

May these words help the resolute Asheyana practitioner to steadily extend the Gesture of Attention, with full mindfulness. May it be of benefit.

v1.0.0: 2024-07-01 - Exertion River